About Me

My name is Danial Ahmad. I am currently a first year Business Administration-Marketing student at Sheridan College. My career goals in business involve getting into the business world by starting off with an entry level marketing job. After years of experience I hope to continue to work in marketing, becoming a marketing manager upon retirement. Today, I am working towards this career goal with my education at Sheridan College. I hope to continue my education at University so I can graduate with a business degree in order to have a better opportunity to get a respectable entry level marketing job.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Favourite Sustainable and Disruptive Technologies

My favourite disruptive technology is my cell phone.  There are new types of cell phones coming out every few years which change the cell phone market and completely change all other technologies that came before it.  Cell phone models including the blackberry and iPhone have greatly affected the cell phone market and are seen as disruptive technologies. 
My favourite sustainable technology is my laptop computer.  With my laptop close for me to use, I can easily work on assignments and projects for school.  Yearly, there are new models of laptops that are coming out.  Each laptop has a new which differentiates it from previous models.  Companies are creating newer models that continue to improve in performance, efficiency, and technological advancements which continue to fulfill the wants and needs of consumers.    

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