About Me

My name is Danial Ahmad. I am currently a first year Business Administration-Marketing student at Sheridan College. My career goals in business involve getting into the business world by starting off with an entry level marketing job. After years of experience I hope to continue to work in marketing, becoming a marketing manager upon retirement. Today, I am working towards this career goal with my education at Sheridan College. I hope to continue my education at University so I can graduate with a business degree in order to have a better opportunity to get a respectable entry level marketing job.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Educational Achievements

The history of my elementary and secondary education dates back to Kindergarten beginning in 1996 and completes in 2010 upon high school graduation.  My Post-Secondary education continues from 2010 to present.  In 2004 I completed my Elementary School education up to grade 6.  During Elementary education I achieved the opportunity of being selected to be part of a group of students who traveled to Calgary Alberta on a 1 week visit.  The criteria of being selected for this trip was evaluated by educational achievements, a written letter, and an oral interview.  In 2006 I completed my entire Elementary School Education from DonValley Junior High School after finish grade 8.  In June 2010 I received my Ontario Secondary School Diploma after graduating from Bradford District High School http://www.bdhs.ca/cms/. I graduated from high school with an overall B average after completing a math course in summer school. Looking ahead, I am projected to graduate with an advanced diploma in Business Administration Marketing by 2013 http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/Programs%20and%20Courses/Full-Time%20Programs/Programs%20A-Z%20Index/Business%20Administration%20-%20Marketing.aspx.  Following graduation from college I plan to continue my education in University. 

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