About Me

My name is Danial Ahmad. I am currently a first year Business Administration-Marketing student at Sheridan College. My career goals in business involve getting into the business world by starting off with an entry level marketing job. After years of experience I hope to continue to work in marketing, becoming a marketing manager upon retirement. Today, I am working towards this career goal with my education at Sheridan College. I hope to continue my education at University so I can graduate with a business degree in order to have a better opportunity to get a respectable entry level marketing job.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Employment History

My employment history began in July 2009 http://www.hotspotautoparts.com/.  I started working for an auto parts retailer called Hotspot Auto Parts.  During the summer months  of 2009 I was able to learn alot from this job as I had the opportunity to work in multiple departments of the store. I completed different daily roles in inventory, shipping and receiving, and customer service as well.  In July 2010 I was able to come back to work at Hotspot Auto Parts.  However, this job location was in Hamilton Ontario and involved making deliveries and dispatching drivers.  I currently hold this position at Hotspot Auto Parts working there part-time on Saturday.  During my time in college I hope to continue my job experience by finding a co-opportunity at a company involving marketing during my second year.  If I am able to successfully get this opportunity it will be a big learning experience for my self as I will then some hands on work experience in my field of interest.  Future plans regarding my employment are dependent on my educational achievements.  After graduating from college and university I plan to begin my career in marketing.  Potential job placements at the entry level include market researcher, market analyst, and marketing assistant http://marketing.about.com/od/careersinmarketing/u/marketingcareers.htm.  After the necessary experience, I hope to develop myself and retain a higher level job within the business world later on in my professional career.

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