About Me

My name is Danial Ahmad. I am currently a first year Business Administration-Marketing student at Sheridan College. My career goals in business involve getting into the business world by starting off with an entry level marketing job. After years of experience I hope to continue to work in marketing, becoming a marketing manager upon retirement. Today, I am working towards this career goal with my education at Sheridan College. I hope to continue my education at University so I can graduate with a business degree in order to have a better opportunity to get a respectable entry level marketing job.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MIS and My Career

In my future career of marketing, information technologies are an integral part of the success of the department.  In business all departments including Human Resources, Accounting, Finance, and Marketing must be able to communicate and work together.  Information systems are very important for this process as they allow for individuals to connect to each other using computers.  Marketing, especially involves a great deal of research and communication with clients, where E-mails and sending files becomes very useful and time efficient.   

My IS Day

Within a 24 hour period I use my laptop computer, a television set, and my cell phone. The hardware on my laptop computer is the laptop itself including the keyboard, and touchpad mouse.  The software is Microsoft Windows Vista and Mozilla Firefox web browser.  The data is all the information I type in my on the computer and also the HTML code.  The procedure of turning the laptop on and making it functional to use, as well as doing virus scans periodically in order confirm that the computer is secure.  I am the only person using the laptop unless I am sending an e-mail to another person or communicating with them through instant messaging from the computer.   

The hardware on my cell phone is the dial pad, the touch screen, and the SD car, and battery. The software is the Wind mobile phone service I use and the web browser used though Wi-Fi connections.  The procedure is the people involved are me and the person I am calling or text messaging. The data is the phone number of the contact, or the message I am typing on the dial pad.   

The hardware on the television is the TV set, the cable box, cable wires, and multiple remote controllers.  The software is the connection of the cable or satellite provider.  The people involved are the viewers.  There is the procedure of turning the television on, changing to the correct channel, and then turning the television off.  The data is the number of the channel I am watching as well as the settings, and volume. 

My Favourite Sustainable and Disruptive Technologies

My favourite disruptive technology is my cell phone.  There are new types of cell phones coming out every few years which change the cell phone market and completely change all other technologies that came before it.  Cell phone models including the blackberry and iPhone have greatly affected the cell phone market and are seen as disruptive technologies. 
My favourite sustainable technology is my laptop computer.  With my laptop close for me to use, I can easily work on assignments and projects for school.  Yearly, there are new models of laptops that are coming out.  Each laptop has a new which differentiates it from previous models.  Companies are creating newer models that continue to improve in performance, efficiency, and technological advancements which continue to fulfill the wants and needs of consumers.    

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Employment History

My employment history began in July 2009 http://www.hotspotautoparts.com/.  I started working for an auto parts retailer called Hotspot Auto Parts.  During the summer months  of 2009 I was able to learn alot from this job as I had the opportunity to work in multiple departments of the store. I completed different daily roles in inventory, shipping and receiving, and customer service as well.  In July 2010 I was able to come back to work at Hotspot Auto Parts.  However, this job location was in Hamilton Ontario and involved making deliveries and dispatching drivers.  I currently hold this position at Hotspot Auto Parts working there part-time on Saturday.  During my time in college I hope to continue my job experience by finding a co-opportunity at a company involving marketing during my second year.  If I am able to successfully get this opportunity it will be a big learning experience for my self as I will then some hands on work experience in my field of interest.  Future plans regarding my employment are dependent on my educational achievements.  After graduating from college and university I plan to begin my career in marketing.  Potential job placements at the entry level include market researcher, market analyst, and marketing assistant http://marketing.about.com/od/careersinmarketing/u/marketingcareers.htm.  After the necessary experience, I hope to develop myself and retain a higher level job within the business world later on in my professional career.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Educational Achievements

The history of my elementary and secondary education dates back to Kindergarten beginning in 1996 and completes in 2010 upon high school graduation.  My Post-Secondary education continues from 2010 to present.  In 2004 I completed my Elementary School education up to grade 6.  During Elementary education I achieved the opportunity of being selected to be part of a group of students who traveled to Calgary Alberta on a 1 week visit.  The criteria of being selected for this trip was evaluated by educational achievements, a written letter, and an oral interview.  In 2006 I completed my entire Elementary School Education from DonValley Junior High School after finish grade 8.  In June 2010 I received my Ontario Secondary School Diploma after graduating from Bradford District High School http://www.bdhs.ca/cms/. I graduated from high school with an overall B average after completing a math course in summer school. Looking ahead, I am projected to graduate with an advanced diploma in Business Administration Marketing by 2013 http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/Programs%20and%20Courses/Full-Time%20Programs/Programs%20A-Z%20Index/Business%20Administration%20-%20Marketing.aspx.  Following graduation from college I plan to continue my education in University. 

My Community Involvement

Throughout my career as a student I have  volunteered to various charities and not-for-profit organizations, and fundraisers.  My community involvement includes volunteering from 2008-2010  at the Ahmadiyya Community  in Bradford, Ontario http://www.ahmadiyya.ca/. I was responsible for organizing, helping, cleaning, and assisting in various religious events.  In 2007 I wishfully volunteered in local community center, where I was responsible for cleaning and maintaining organized gym areas.  I was also a 2006 Georges Vanier Secondary School volunteer in organizing and setting up various school related activities and events for studentshttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Georges-Vanier-Secondary-School/103725082998868.  I plan to continue volunteering and being involved in the community during my time in post-secondary institutions including Sheridan College as well as my future work place.